Principal Speaks - School

Smt.Yamini Savur, Principal

"True education is not for a mere living but for a fuller and meaningful life" Bhagwan Sri Satya Sai Baba

Om Sai Ram. I offer my humble salutations at His lotus feet. I believe, "Children are born with wings. All one needs to do is teach them to fly." Every day, 6 days a week ,my "9 to 5 Job" brings me the greatest joy and the reason for this is that I have been given the most glorious opportunity, in this life by divine grace, that involves my being surrounded by so many young people in the age group of 5 and 16 years. Every one of those 965 faces is a reflection of the divinity that created them " His own image".

As adults it is important for us to value the children we are put in charge of. They could be children born to us or could be those we care for as teachers, care-givers, nephews, nieces, grand children and friends children.

Many times, too often, we tend to take them for granted. Bhagwan Baba's words come to mind "Treat your children as if they were given to you on loan." Treasure them, cherish them, for soon, far too soon they will grow into adults and fly the roost. It becomes our duty as adults to treat this period of their childhood as truly valuable - a period during which a meaningful education is handed down, responsibly at that, imparting skills that a child will need as an adult not to merely survive but to live for a purpose. Let them be encouraged to become aware of the Joy that comes from within and that this joy doubles as they spread it around while they grow and glow.

Marks, trophies, achievements and certificates sans human values, and cleverness, intelligence and street-smartness sans wisdom are meaningless. Let us not take away their precious, shortlived childhood by turning them into competitive 'mini-adults' just so that we may bask in shallow victories. Let Them Be!

Instead let us make it our mission to teach children - yours, mine and ours to care for the environment that sustains our race, to share with those not as privileged as us and to value this life given to us. Let us rid ourselves first of the cynicism which ensnares us in a mire whereby we think first of ourselves, by creating wealth and property for our 'birth children' to inherit while we leave many other children of a "lesser god" out in the cold. What use is all the knowledge we hand them if our own children do not learn how to preserve a larger, loftier heritage.As the adage goes, "Children Close their Ears to Advice but Open their Eyes to Example."

And let us remember - A person's most useful asset is not the head full of knowledge but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help!

May every day be a "Happy Children's Day!