Our Founder

Smt. Vijaya Nagesh,
Founder And Secretary

Dear Parents, teachers and well-wishers of Sai Angels. I take this opportunity in thanking all of you for your kind support for building this institution. We have come a long way since 1993 to its present stature.

Education is a slow and relentless process like the unfolding of a flower. Both teachers and parents must co-operate to mould the students to make them ideal and responsible citizens of this country. The teacher must be an ultimate example of discrimination, humbleness and skill.

Mr. Sri Nagesh,
Founder And Director

The student of today may become teacher of tomorrow. Only by the development of a reliable character the student can lead this country in future. Only those with ideals are respected and remembered in gratitude by posterity.

This institute not only imparts regular education in a most scientific and modern methods but also inculcates in the children our glorious Indian culture, and sows the seeds of spirituality. The seedlings should be well cared for, watered, nurtured and protected at school as well as at home.

The parents role is equally important if not more in inculcating self confidence in the child. The child must be constantly encouraged to think and act positively at school and home. Both parents and teachers must recognize the potentiality of the child and bring out the best in them.

The future is uncertain however it's only through our doing the very best today as parents and educators that we can be assured of positive and successful outcomes in future.

We therefore, look to our parents as equal participants in the great and important mission of educating the future generation that will succeed us.